
I for Internet in the Blogging from A to Z challenge.

The internet hosts all the fantastic online jewellery collections that are my theme this year. It makes sense to stop for a moment to think about internet.

I grew up without it, so I stand with one foot in the pre and another in the now and the question is: Where will the post foot end up?

Post-internet. Will there ever be such an expression? As in post-industrialism,  post-impressionism, or post-war.

Probably not. I beleive as little in post-internet as I do in post-electricity. No, that doesn’t work.

Take two.

I beleive as little in post-internet as I do in post-jewellery. No, odd.

Take three.

I beleive as little in post-internet as I do in post-connection. Not sure yet what I mean with that but if internet means connections, then will there be a next step where we are connected in other ways than through internet?

I’m fishing for this kind of future conversation: WHAT, they used internet for that – WHY?

Now, I will not sit here and try to predict the future. You have to be a real futurist to do such things. You have to be like Arthur C. Clarke who predicted internet and the PC in 1974 as you can see in this video on Open Culture. Do click on the link to see it, it’s less than two minutes, and fascinating, in many ways!

Look now, what a coincidence, on 10 April last year my topic was Internet. Just saying, in case you want to read that one too.





4 thoughts on “Internet

  1. Good work, Gunilla …. what would we be without internet – what an amazing thing … and all this information out there, just for us to grab.
    Wish you and Mr a great weekend.


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