Quiet time

Metal work is quite noisy.

Even when you master the skill, sawing is not a quiet business.

Filing to smooth the edges or adjust the shape is just as noisy.

Shaping a ring with a hammer is not something you do in the middle of the night.

Drilling holes or polishing makes noise too. Actually, the sound of the motor is not much different from what you hear at the dentist’s.

I love all those noises, I really do. They tell me that I’m at it, busy, moving ahead. I love the sounds of the studio.

Still, it is sometimes nice to do something quiet. The subtle sound of crochet or knitting is soft. The needles don’t overrule the music in the background, and you can still hear all the words of an audiobook or a podcast.

It is quiet time.

I have always liked the idea of mixing hard metals with soft techniques. This year, my theme for the A to Z challenge is “Metal meets textile”. From A to Z, I talk about work with metal wire, textile techniques like crochet and knitting, show some pieces I’ve been working on, share some thoughts on metal, textile and jewellery. I hope that you’ll find something of interest to you!

10 thoughts on “Quiet time

  1. I love a little quiet time! My husband was hammering in our garage this morning at about 6:15 a.m. and I kept saying, “do you think the neighbors can hear you?” I was on the treadmill and I kept putting my fingers in my ears it was so loud.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I imagine working in the studio in the middle of the night can be a little disturbing for others… ;D
    I know the feeling too with quilting! The sewing machine can be noisy, but hand quilting is for a quiet time 🙂


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