Very Inspiring Blogger Award



I am honoured (and totally so!) to have been nominated to the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

I guess it’s just “not done” to return the nomination to the person who put me forward. Otherwise I would, as the artist behind Hannah Duncan Creations is making and sharing some amazing things, and I really think you should go over there and have a look (after you’ve read the rest here, that is).



1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you.

3. State seven things about yourself.

4. Nominate fifteen other bloggers for this award and link to them.

5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

About me

1. I wanted to learn to make jewellery since I was around 11-12. I have in the meantime learned how to, and I keep on learning and exploring.

2. Rings are my favourite piece of jewellery. The size is limited – it has to somehow fit on your finger(s) – and you only see the upper part of it anyway, and still, there are so many different designs! Not to forget the “Do you…? Yes, I do!”.

3. I have always wanted to learn Russian, but have not yet been able to get myself together to really learn something. Will it ever happen, I wonder?

4. We are a bilingual family. I speak Swedish to our daughter, she (mostly) speaks Dutch to me. My Dutch husband has learned Swedish too, although we’ve never lived up there (which is great, and much appreciated by my family in Sweden!).

5. I belong to the introverts. We are not such a rare species as you may think.

6. I love bread. Especially home made rye bread, still warm from the oven, the butter melting on the first slice… I know it is not good to eat too much bread, but honestly, I do not care.

7. I think that bread and jewellery have a lot in common. I can not imagine any civilization without bread or without jewellery.  And another thing: Homemade/handmade is always better than mass produced!


And here are the fifteen fellow bloggers that I hereby nominate to the Very Inspiring Blogger Award (listed in no particular order, except for the first one). They all inspire me, in their very different ways.

1. The Forester Artist – He is a forester AND an artist, need I say more? Great photos, art work, stories and observations. Tim was also one of the first bloggers that I had any contact with when I started last year, so without knowing it, he helped me get going.

2. Viveka with myguiltypleasures, a true survivor who shares stories from her life, from the big to the small. It is a lot around food (she used to work as a chef), travel and the good things in life. (She has received this award already, along with a great number of other awards.)

3. Adèle d’Alleray inspires me to see details in a new way, she brings them to life with intriguing titles (French or English). This blog is all about photos, a real eye-opener to remind us that it is in our own hands to give things a meaning.

4. Rarasaur – How to describe this blog? She is a full-blood blogging geek, and basically a lots-of-different-things-geek, so I think everyone will find some great inspiration here!

5. Artessano – I love following the journey of this jewellery maker, with insights in her jeweller training and great designs (there is something very “Nordic” in her designs I think).

6. Crafty girl shares how she goes about her creative projects. You will find lots of dolls that seem to have life and character long before they are even finished, and you never know what to expect next!

7. Veronica Cay – I have for a while now been following her upcoming exhibition project “Caryatids”. Amazing work, this is an artist who can really capture human life conditions on a very deep level.

8. Dragonshades is for me pure visual meditation. Except from the titles, this blog is wordless, a world of only colours and shapes.

9.  Green in the middle , a mixed media artist who shares both work in progress and finished pieces. I love how she is able to compose and “paint” with textiles! Bilingual blog, English and Dutch.

10. Johan Steller Photography with beautiful photos of mostly Dutch and Scandinavian landscapes. It speaks to me very much, perhaps because there is so much space in his landscape photos.

11. Ripe Red Berries is a great inspiration against “mindless consumerism” and for your own personal choices in life. I really like her approach and her selective view on what it is that really has a value (like good quality and recycling).

12. Greg Valerio is a jeweller and activist who works to improve working and trading conditions for small-scale miners. On his blog you can learn a lot about ethical and fairtrade jewellery and get behind the scenes in this process.

13. Covetotop with great photography and a very personal way of telling stories, the perfect blog to discover the Western Mediterranean (mainly Spain) in an original and entertaining way.

14. Stella Chrysostomou is a jewellery maker who shows that jewellery is more than just something “pretty”, it can also serve to ask questions and open up for new conversations.

15. Angie Werren with this empty nest – photo and poetry, minimalistic style. And lots of moons, which I love. Actually, this is only one of the blogs she is running.

Passing on the viral good

Again, thank you Hannah for this nomination, I’m very happy to now pass this award on to other bloggers. If you are a nominee and feel that you can not accept the award, for whatever reason, that’s fine too.

On another note, I was curious about the origin of this award. It turns out to have been started by Cathe Holden in February 2009. So, hereby also my warm thanks to you Cathe for starting this movement. This proves that “viral good” indeed makes the blogosphere a beautiful place to be!

10 thoughts on “Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. This is a very special Award to receive and if I was wishing for such an honour then this would be the one. It is one thing to create but to be an inspiration for others to express their own creations that is extending the process, making it a beautiful, timeless thing. I am very impressed by all who dare to share their thoughts and creations in the blohosphere. I will enjoy exploring the other blogs on your caringly expressed list and appreciate that you will be understanding of my inability to acccept. I do however accept your words as carefully crafted jewels.


  2. Congratulations! I agree about the similarity of bread and jewelry, even though I never thought about it before! 🙂 Thank you for passing the award my way, and for the kind words!! *hugs*


    • Thank you – and your award is well deserved, so “welcome”! I’m glad the bread-jewellery idea came over clear, sometimes I wonder if I’m just madly over-obsessed with jewellery… 😉


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